Tuesday, June 06, 2006

rhubarb cake

Today was the first distribution day for the CSA (community-supported agriculture--buy a share in a farmer's crop, get a selection of fresh produce once a week) I joined here in Astoria, and as part of the loot we got some rhubarb. The traditional thing to do with rhubarb is of course strawberry-rhubarb pie, which is great, but I prefer a different recipe. Rhubarb "bread" is a quickbread, like banana bread, but with rhubarb and vast amounts of sugar. It's rather more a thick cake than a bread, and it's incredibly fantastic!

The recipe I use is from a CSA cookbook, and is originally from someone named Mary Eberle at Harmony Valley Farm. You can see the recipe should you like to try this yourself. The recipe does make two loaves, so be sure you have friends you can bring slices to!



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